Our Pride Ramayana at a glance, painting by Baibhav Datta

Our Pride Ramayana at a glance

Honorable mention in Khula Aasmaan Ramayana art contest

Shortlisted Honorable Mention


Art Number 28299
Artwork Title Our Pride Ramayana at a glance
Artist Name Baibhav Datta
Medium Mixed Media on Paper
Size 16.53 x 11.69 inches (41.9862 x 29.6926 cm)
Price Rs. 8,000 ($108.55)
Information Incident and character that inspired me is Ram Chandra ji whose patience and strength attract me a lot. His journey of life inspire of a king is very much simple and full of obstacles.

This painting by child artist Baibhav Datta (13 years), Honorable mention in Khula Aasmaan Ramayana art contest.