painting by Vaishnavee Puntambekar
Landscape and Nature - theme for painting competition
The theme of Landscape and Nature is an important theme for Khula Aasmaan international free online painting competition for children, young adults and other age groups. Landscape painting, also known as landscape art, is the depiction of natural scenery such as mountains, valleys, trees, rivers, and forests. Sky is generally part of the composition of most paintings. Similarly weather is often an element of the composition. Landscape art may depict real views or these could be imaginary.
Landscape and Nature paintings
Here are a few shortlisted landscape and nature paintings from the previous Khula Aasmaan painting competitions.
See other artworks related to this theme.
Related links
Themes for Khula Aasmaan painting competition
Environment & Forests as art contest theme
Results of previous Khula Aasmaan art contests
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