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Thirsty Crow on a Summer Night, painting by Child Artist Vedita Srikanth

Padma Seshadri Bala Bhavan Senior Secondary School, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
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Thirsty Crow on a Summer Night, painting by Vedita Srikanth
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Vedita Srikanth
Child Artist

Art No





Vedita Srikanth



Thirsty Crow on a Summer Night



Watercolour on Paper



16.53 x 11.69 inches (41.9862 x 29.6926 cm)



Rs. 5,900 ($80)



The crow was so thirsty on a Summer Night searching for water. Crows are not only thirsty in Summer mornings, they also feel thirsty at night. The crow went in search of water and finally found a pot with very little water. The crow could not reach the water. The crow felt really sad. Suddenly, the crow got an idea. He found some pebbles near the pot. He dropped the pebbles one by one in the water and the water slowly raised up. The crow then drank the water, quenched its thirst and flew away so happily. This conveys the message that if we keep our eyes and ears open and sharp, we can overcome any critical situation in our life.

This painting by child artist Vedita Srikanth (5 years) received a Shortlist in Khula Aasmaan national painting competition for April to June 2022.

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