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Sita in Ashoka Vana, painting by Young Artist Geetha Devi S

PSG College Of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
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Geetha Devi S
Young Artist

Art No





Geetha Devi S



Sita in Ashoka Vana



Watercolour on Paper



11.69 x 16.53 inches (29.6926 x 41.9862 cm)



"Art is messenger of Hope. Here Hanuman brings signet ring to make Sita believe that he is a messenger of Rama. Her face glorifies after seeing that ring. She rejoices and believe that hope is to believe that there is light despite of all darkness. She strongly believe that Rama will come to rescue her. Always have Hope even in your dark phase of life."

This painting by young artist Geetha Devi S (25 years) received a Shortlist in Khula Aasmaan national art competition for July to September 2020.

See the video about this artwork