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No butterflies, painting by Child Artist Diya Biswas

Army Public school, Pune, Maharashtra
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No butterflies, painting by Diya Biswas
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Diya Biswas
Child Artist

Art No





Diya Biswas



No butterflies






I have used watercolors for this illustration.

Now let's know my thought towards it, When I say the word 'butterfly', isn't it immediately gives a colorful thought to you? And if I am right, then know your mind is thinking about those wings, Yeah!, those scaly large wings!

But just like sparrows in the cities, spotting butterflies is becoming increasingly rare every year. As usual, it's an unfortunate by product of human- related activities like global warming. That's right!, butterflies are going extinct because of increasing climate change, as per scientists new study.

No doubt that we all love butterflies, because all of us had ran after it our childhood days. Either to catch it or having it once in our small hands, or to observe their colors closely. Our memories are thousands but our effort towards it is totally zero! And so it's high time that we should mend our ways because it's not too late!

This painting by child artist Diya Biswas (15 years) received a Honorable Mention in Khula Aasmaan art competition for children for January to March 2021.

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