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Beetle car, painting by Child Artist Nandakishore M O

Campion Shool, Edappally, Kochi
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Beetle car, painting by Nandakishore M O
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Nandakishore M O
Child Artist

Art No





Nandakishore M O



Beetle car



Rs. 5,900 ($80)



This painting by child artist Nandakishore M O received a Honorable Mention in Khula Aasmaan All India drawing competition for children and college students for July to September 2018.

Other artworks

  • 11.69 x 8.27 inches
    (29.6926 x 21.0058 cm)
  • 11.69 x 8.27 inches
    (29.6926 x 21.0058 cm)
  • 11.69 x 8.27 inches
    (29.6926 x 21.0058 cm)
  • 8.27 x 11.69 inches
    (21.0058 x 29.6926 cm)