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Supernormal, Painting by Artist Varjavan Dastoor

Oil Pastel on Paper , 14 x 17 inches (35.56 x 43.18 cm)
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  Supernormal, Painting by  Artist Varjavan Dastoor

Art No





Varjavan Dastoor






Oil Pastel on Paper



14 x 17 inches (35.56 x 43.18 cm)


The stage is set It’s a great day All want to watch The magician play. In the first row sits A man with sparse hair. Bobbing up and down In his creaky wheelchair. The game kicks off As the whistle blows. It starts tentative And the pace is slow. He swerves past two ‘Tis a near goal. His shot from the box Is just wide of the pole. Minutes later The ball goes out He collects for the throw Among ceaseless shouts. And as he runs over To take the ball, On a creaking wheelchair His sight does fall. The game goes on Till the half-time pause. The players go off To the sound of applause. Later in the second Half of the game Our wizard with the ball Puts rivals to shame. He glides past one And flies past one more. The ball’s in the net. The crowd’s in uproar. The game soon ends. It seems so soon. He makes his way To the dressing room. But suddenly he turns Like he’d made a glitch And he comes crossing The width of the pitch. He hands his shirt To a man with sparse hair Still bobbing up and down Still creaking the wheelchair. He gives him a hug, And a wave goodbye And I see a sparkle In the bald man’s eye. If you can spread so much joy With just the cloth you wear, There is no greater power, No greater gift, I swear.
Keywords : sportsperson

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