
Competition Themes for Khula Aasmaan

Khula Aasmaan

Khula Aasmaan offers a wide choice of competition subjects or themes to choose from. The themes for the online art contest, painting contest, doodle contest, cartoon contest, photo competition or photography contest, are very diverse. Apart from the suggested themes, the children, college students and young adults are free to submit their entries on any theme or subject of their choice.

Contest Themes

Forest and Wildlife, History and Heritage, Outer Space, Song of the River, Travel Diaries, Connecting India, Education for All, Festival of Lights, Hanging out with Friends, Me and my Selfie, Memorable Train Journey, My Favourite Cartoon Character, My favourite film, Save Trees Grow Trees, Swachh Bharat, The Charm of Railways, Water is Life, Abstract, Ajanta, Animals, Architecture, Birds, Boats, Buddha, Buddhism, Chai, Children, Christ, Cityscapes, Colour, Conceptual, Couple, Dance, Desert, Family, Festival, Figurative, Flowers, Forest, Friends, Ganesha, Ghat, Gods-Goddesses, Heritage, Hills, History, Horse, Houses, India, Kerala, Krishna, Lake, Landscapes, Love, Mountains, Music, Nature, People, Plants Trees, Railway, Rajasthan, Reflections, Rural Life, Sea, Seascapes, Semi Abstract, Sky, Spiritual, Still Life, Street, Temple, Tribal Art, Warli, Water, Wildlife, Windows, Woman and Open.

Medium used

For the art contest, drawing competition and painting contest for kids, children and young college students, there is no restriction on the medium used. They are free to choose any medium that they feel comfortable with or have access to. They can therefore create their artwork using pencils, coloured pencils, sketch pens, ink pens, crayons, pastels, watercolours, acrylic colours, oil colours and any other medium including digital art.

Details required

The participants to Khula Aasmaan contest are requested to mention the theme for each artwork submitted, the medium used and a brief description. All participants in the photography competition are requested to mention the theme and details of the camera used. The participants are free to shoot the photographs with a film camera or a digital camera. The camera could be a compact camera, a bridge camera, a DSLR or a mirrorless camera. The participants have the freedom to shoot the pictures using their cellphone or mobile phone. For each photo being submitted for Khula Aasmaan photo contest, mention the theme, camera used, camera setting and any other relevant details. It will help if a brief description is attached for each artwork being submitted. This is applicable to paintings, drawings as well as photographs being submitted for Khula Aasmaan contest.

“Khula Aasmaan” (meaning Open Sky) is a registered trademark which is owned by Link Indiaart.com Pvt. Ltd. (https://www.indiaart.com). Khula Aasmaan is a platform for creative expression by children and young adults. We have chosen “Khula Aasmaan” as the way to spell this as we believe that it is the phonetically most appropriate way to spell it. Khula Aasmaan may also be spelt as Khula Asmaan, Khula Asman, Khula Aasman.

Khula Aasmaan conducts art competitions and creates educational content in art and science for children and college students. Khula Aasmaan encourages the children and young adults to think independently and express themselves.