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Painting competition by Khula Aasmaan

Results for July to September 2018

See medal winners, honorable mentions and shortlist from Khula Aasmaan art contest and drawing competition for children and college students. The art competition and painting contest by Khula Aasmaan runs on a quarterly cycle. This means that entries received each quarter are judged to decide the shortlist. From the original artworks received from the shortlist, another round of judging takes place to decide medals (gold medal, silver medal, bronze medal) and honorable mentions.

Benefits of being on the Shortlist or being a Medal Winner or receiving Honorable Mention

Khula Aasmaan will create a dedicated web page for each shortlisted child artist and young artist who have sent the original artwork to Khula Aasmaan. This web page will be managed for the next three years. We want to encourage all the shortlisted child artists and young artists to create new ideas and submit their creations to us. These artistic creations could be in the form of drawings, sketches, cartoons, doodles, paintings, digital art, posters and photographs. The medal winning artworks will also be presented in exhibitions, workshops and training programmes for children, college students, parents and teachers. All the artworks will be promoted on Indiaart and on the social media pages of Indiaart and Khula Aasmaan.

Medal winners, honorable mentions and shortlist from Painting contest by Khula Aasmaan

See the list of medal winners, honorable mentions and shortlisted artworks from the painting contest and drawing competition by Khula Aasmaan for the period from July to September 2018.