Comments & Testimonials

Khula Aasmaan

Read and listen to comments and testimonials from parents, teachers, students and other distinguished individuals on Khula Aasmaan.


Comments by persons from diverse backgrounds on this initiative by Indiaart.

Dr. Jaya Vedamony tells the story of her daughter Janelle

Dr. Jaya Vedamony tells the story of her daughter Janelle, who was shortlisted in Khula Aasmaan. She narrates how despite a dyslexia condition, Janelle worked hard and will now pursue her dream course of fashion design at NIFT (National Institute of Fashion Technology), Bhubaneshwar. She also mentions how Khula Aasmaan helped her in this journey.

Dr. Jaya Vedamony tells the story of her daughter Janelle

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Khula Aasmaan is really a great initiative to promote openness and creativity within children. This is helping greatly to unlock creativity within a child and give appropriate direction to compose their scattered thoughts and express through their art. This is a great platform and very healthy environment every child should have for healthy growth. I wish all the best to the team of “Khula Aasmaan” for all their future endeavours and wish to connected through their initiatives.

- Vaibhav S. Dantale

Comments by Shri. Vaibhav Dantale on Khula Aasmaan

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I and my wife Hema are very pleased to attend the exhibition of art displayed by young children, so systematically organized by India art - Khula Asamaan. The basic concept behind this is very comondable. The pictures drawn by many children represent the skill latent in them. Our grand daughter Vaishnavee Puntambekar is very excited about this. We wish India art - Khula Asamaan all the very best in their future endeavours.

- Vinayak Kelkar

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We have been come to know about Indiaart Gallery 6 months back from Jnana Probhodini High school, Pune. We have invited to see the photography exhibition and meet Mr. Milind Sathe. We are very much impressed to see the exhibition and also received information about “Khula Aasaman” from him.

My elder son Aaryan has send his drawings for the competition and one of his painting is been short listed and in this way we have get attached with Indiaart Gallery.

The concept for Indiaart Gallery is very innovative and it will be very helpful to explore the talents of children. This is very big platform for them to present their creativity and diversion thinking with the help of their drawings.

We are very much thankful to Mr. Milind Sathe for taking the initiative to make Indiaart Gallery a big platform to the children all over India and we are ready to help if required this great work.

We are also thankful to Chitra Vaidya madam for teaching our children the different techniques to make drawings with help of oil pastels colours.

We are very much awaited for the many more workshops in the future. Thank you so much.

- Umesh Kulkarni

Comment by Madhuri Kulkarni on Khula Aasmaan

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This has been a very nice experience and exposure for Indraneel. Such events boost the confidence of the children. This is an excellent initiative taken up by the Indiaart team.

We wish them all the best in their future endeavours and hope to have such events again. This is the best way to build confidence and enhance creativity of the children.

- Anjali. R. Naik

The magic of oil pastels came live at this workshop. It was wonderful to see the kids learn the simple oil pastels colouring techniques being taught at the workshop. Thanks to Indiaart Gallery - Khula Aasaman platform for allowing the creative juices to flow through this interactive session. I would love to see kids enjoy these sessions by experts in the field. Hope to seeing move of these sessions and more!

- Monirupa Shete

‘Khula Aasaman’ is very innovative and helpful platform where children can express themselves without boundaries. We enjoyed a lot here especially children.

The workshops which is held under this umbrella is very useful for young artists to enhance their artistic skills.

Looking forward for more workshops and exhibitions under the guidance of the expertise like Mrs. Chitra Vaidya.

- Madhura Deshpande
Art Educator, Parent

We heard about it for the first time about 2 months ago. Initially thought that it is the same as other competitions that school hosts. But then looking at more details, We saw that this is something different. This is indeed promoting young children think on their own and give opportunity to do something different. Encouraging my son by choosing his drawing and providing him a platform for further enhancing his creativity is what liked the most. Keep it up. All the best.

- Ashutosh Deshpande

मि. सौ. रेश्मा श्याम कासरूंग मला खुला आसमान खूप आवडला. आम्हाला खुला आसमान काय प्रकार आहे. हे माहितच नव्हतं. पण जेव्हा शाळेमधून सांगितलं तुमच्या मुलीचा नंबर अशा अशा वेबसाईटवर बघीतलं. खूप छान वाटलं. आमच्यासारख्या सामान्य माणसांच्या मुलांना पूर्ण देशामध्ये थोडक्यात ऑनलाईन नाव आम्ही बघू शकतो. खरंच तुमची ही कल्पना खूप छान वाटली. त्यामधून मुलांनाच नाही तर आम्हालासुद्धा थोडक्यात प्रोत्साहन मिळालं. आमच्या मुलांमध्ये असलेली कला आम्ही तुमच्यापर्यंत पोहचवू शकतो.

- सौ. रेश्मा श्याम कासरूंग

आज ह्या ठिकाणी मला पेंटिंग म्हणजेच सर्व असे समजत होते. पण पेंटिंगच्या माध्यमातून मुलांना इंडिया आर्टचे सहकारी बंधूंनी आम्हाला खूप काही शिकवलं व आपल्या मुलांमधील गुणांची जाणीव करून दिली. त्याबद्दल मी आपली खूप आभारी आहे.

- सौ. अंजू संजय कांबळे

माझे मिस्टर जलाल अहमद अन्सारी व मी आम्ही दोघे २१ मे रोजी इंडिया आर्ट गॅलरीमध्ये आमचा लहान मुलगा मुदस्सरला घेऊन आलो. इथे आल्यावर इथल्या आर्ट गॅलरीत आमच्या मुलाचे पेंटिंग पाहून आनंद झाला. तसेच इथे बरेच काही आमच्या पाल्याला शिकण्यास भेटले. त्याला पेंटिंग करण्याची आवड आहे. इथे त्याच्याबद्दल माहिती त्याला मिळाली व आणखी पुढे त्याला पेंटिंग करण्यात उपयोगी पडेल अशी माहिती मिळाली. त्याबद्दल धन्यवाद ! खुला आसमान काय आहे हेसुद्धा आम्हाला समजले. त्याबद्दल खूप आनंद झाला. असा स्टेज पुन्हा आम्हाला भेटावा ही विनंती.

- शबनम जलाल अहमद कन्सारी

मी सौ. धनश्री श्रीराम साठे. खुला आसमान या संकल्पनेशी माझी ओळख श्री. मिलिंद साठे यांच्यामार्फत झाली.

माध्यमाचे स्वातंत्र्य, वैचारिक स्वातंत्र्य व आपल्या सोयीनुसार चित्र काढण्याची मुभा हा विचारच फार चांगला आहे. त्यामुळे कल्पनाशक्तीला नक्कीच वाव मिळेल असे वाटते.

इतर कोणत्याही चित्रकला स्पर्धेपेक्षा खुला आसमान मला जास्त चांगली स्पर्धा वाटली. या संकल्पनेला खूप शुभेच्छा व पुढील वाटचालीसाठी शुभेच्छा.

- सौ. धनश्री श्रीराम साठे

मी आज दिनांक २१ मे रोजी भोसलेनगर येथे इंडिया आर्ट गॅलरीमध्ये आलो. मी जे आज येथे पाहिले त्यामधून मला खूपकाही शिकण्यासारखं मिळालं. माझ्या मुलामध्ये असलेली कला मला प्रथम पाहयला भेटली की त्याचामध्ये काहीतरी गुणविशेष आहे. आणि ह्या संस्थेमध्ये जे कामकरणाचे जे सर लोक आहेत त्यांनी आम्हाला दाखवून दिले की फक्त ड्रॉईंग करणे हेच केवळ ध्येय नसून त्यांच्यातून खूप काही मुलांमधील गुण आपल्याला बघायला भेटतात. मी हे जाणीव करून दिल्याबद्दल इंडिया आर्टच्या सहकार्‍यांचा आभारी आहे.

- श्री. विनायक ग. तिकोने

खुला आसमानचा हा उपक्रम अतिशय स्तुत्य आहे. नावातच मुलांच्या विचारांना मोकळं आकाश देणं’ हे ध्येय दडलेलं दिसतंय. मुलीचं चित्र Select झालंय हे कळाल्यावर खूप आनंद झाला. तिचा आत्मविश्‍वास वाढला. मुलीची २ चित्रे Gallery मध्ये बघून तिने बघीतलेल्या स्वप्नांची सुरुवात झालेली दिसते.

चित्रकलेचे Skill पेक्षा त्यातील Idea, concept & creative thinking ह्यावर इथे भर दिला जात असल्यामुळे कलेतील सर्वांगिण विकास साधला जातोय असे मला वाटते. प्रत्येक गोष्टीची किंमत मोजावी लागणार्‍या काळात एवढा मोठा उपक्रम नि:शुल्क केला जातोय ह्याबद्दल Organizers व मिलिंद साठे सर ह्यांच्या बद्दलचा आदर आणखीनच वाढला. तसेच मुलांची चित्र विकायची नाही हा Concept पण खूप आवडला. त्यातून कला ही अमूल्य असते ही शिकवण मुलांना मिळाली. तसेच मोठ्या Artist कडून जे मार्गदर्शन आज मिळाले त्याबद्दल खूप खूप धन्यवाद. एकूणच राष्ट्राच्या उभारणीसाठी नवीन पिढीला चाकोरीबद्द दृष्टिकोनातून बाहेर काढून खुला आसमान मिळवून देणे ह्यासाठी ह्या उपक्रमासाठी खूप खूप धन्यवाद !!!

- सौ. धनश्री कैलास पुणतांबेकर

Sculptor Tanmay Banerjee talks about Khula Aasmaan

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Art opens up a beautiful world for children. We should respect their creation and let them be.

- Chitra Vaidya
Artist, Art Teacher

Art is a necessity for me. I never take art as work or load… but an enjoyable hobby. Khula Aasmaan was a wonderful experience for me.. it is fascinating the effort Khula Aasmaan takes while putting up our artworks. I liked Khula Aasmaan as it gives us the freedom to spill our creativity.

- Rucha Damle
Khula Aasmaan Participant

Art is an adventure which never ends. Enjoyed submitting my creation. Enjoyed seeing the paintings of other children in the gallery.

- Mihika Parulekar
Khula Aasmaan Participant

Khula Aasmaan is a wonderful concept for children. It has a simple and easy process of submission, multiple rounds in a year and ability to accept various forms of art.

- Swapnil Parulekar

It is always refreshing to see artworks by children. They can see the world in a way that will surprise many accomplished artists. All that they need is freedom and exposure.

- Late Vasant Sarwate
Senior Illustrator, Cartoonist, Author, Artist
Has created several artworks for books for children.

There is an urgent need to revamp the way art education is addressed in our schools. The children need to be encouraged to express more.

- Dr. Nalini Bhagwat
Senior Artist,
Former faculty at Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai

Innocence in children’s art reflects vision of mankind.

- Prabhakar Kolte
Senior Artist,
Former faculty at Sir J. J. School of Art, Mumbai

Art can express what words cannot. Artworks by my child have often helped me peep into the little mind. Indiaart's endeavour would help children to express themselves freely and convey their thoughts and sentiments through their art.

- Tina Bali Rudra
Architect, Parent

The Children's Art Exhibition, put up at the Nehru Centre to encourage and celebrate creative talent in children, was a brilliant initiative by Indiaart. It provided a very well deserved platform to children to express themselves, which in turn boosts up their self esteem, imagination and creativity. The show held at the gallery on Sunday, the 22 June, was extremely well organised; comprising of handing over of certificates to all the participants whose work was put up on display as also a very informative talk by senior artist, Mr Prabhakar Kolte. The online show of artwork by children is as beautiful, if not more...!! This gives reason to those who missed the physical show to not be disheartened.

- Mrs Priya Subramanian

Visiting this exhibition was one of the unique experience of life!! We got to know that such a talent exist at this young age!!! India art is doing a noble work by exhibiting it, so that children are encouraged to achieve greater hights in this field of art!!

- Nootan Kumar Joshi

The IndiaArt exhibition was a great opportunity for young, budding and talented children and teenagers. Having her work up there made our daughter, Ananya Koppikar Moorthy, feel motivated. Thank you. And, more power to you.

- Smruti Koppikar and Gopal Moorthy

The whole concept is very encouraging. The kids were very delighted and proud to have their paintings exhibited at the Nehru centre. Indiaart is providing a very good platform for these young artist without being judgemental.

- Falguni Shah
Business woman, Parent

Shri. Prakash Javadekar talks about
Khula Aasmaan

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