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The Children in Meditation, painting by Child Artist Saisidhartha Jena

Labanagiri Govt. High School, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
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The Children in Meditation, painting by Saisidhartha Jena
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Saisidhartha Jena
Child Artist

Art No





Saisidhartha Jena



The Children in Meditation



Colour pencils on Paper



11.69 x 8.27 inches (29.6926 x 21.0058 cm)



The children is igniting his mind and inner soul to fight against all the evils and to accept the path of peace and prosperity. Praying Supreme Almighty to maintain peace and harmony on this planet earth.

This painting by child artist Saisidhartha Jena (14 years) received Silver medal in Khula Aasmaan art competition for April to June 2023

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